domingo, 22 de septiembre de 2013

Tweetters del 22 Julio2013 al 22 Septiembre 2013 Comentados

  1. KiKi-gov500Thieves-5000COMPLICES: How Peronism remains? Easy:70 years of evil conscience=1dayCleared=With wad of cash
  2. KiKi-500Thieves-5000COMPLICES: How Peronism remains? Easy: 70 years of an evil conscience are cleared in 1 day with wad of cash
  3. KiKi-500LADRi-5000COMPLICES:Cómo se mantiene el peronismo?Fácil:70años de mala conciencia se borran en 1 día con fajo de billetes
  4. KiKi-500LADRi-5000COMPLICES:¿Porqué se mantiene el peronismo?En70años ya es drogodependencia.Todos esperan robar como EllasyEllos
  5. KiKi-500LADRi-5000COMPLICES:El pueblo,siguiendo la cultura de corrupción, votará al mascarón de proa:El intendente narigón KiKi-2
  6. KiKi-500LADRONES-5000COMPLICES:Todos se rejuntan detrás del nuevo mascarón de proa: El intendente narigón KiKi parecido al Muerto
  7. KiKi-gov-500LADRONES-5000COMPLICES:40%de precarios: Romper el circulo vicioso del voto corrupto peronista. Carcel a "EllayEllos"
  8. : ©ClaudioSerraBrun. Buenos Aires, 19 de Abril 2013A bucket of cold water to a asleep society
  9. : Manifestación18A: Un cubo de agua fresca a una sociedad dormida ©ClaudioSerraBrun19/4/2013
  10. Querido tío Hector,gran maestro, me enseñaste a reírme de los necios que nos gobiernan, ¡Gracias! Tu sobrino Claudio
  11. : ©ClaudioSerraBrun. Buenos Aires, 19 de Abril 2013. A bucket of cold water to a asleep society
  12. : Manifestación 18A: Un cubo de agua fresca a una sociedad dormida ©ClaudioSerraBrun.Buenos Aires,19/4/2013
  13. Mr Edvins May I quote your data and text in my essay online of your movie about communism?Thanks for your attention CSerraBrun
  14. KiKi-gov-500LADRONES-5000COMPLICES:El cristiano cada día piensa en los pobres.Evita al Mal y “Ella”y"Ellos".Ladrones
  15. KiKi-gov-500THIEVES-5000COMPLICES:The Christian is every day thinking about the poor people.Avoid"She"&"They".Thieves
  16. KiKi-gov-500-5000COMPLICES THIEVES:The Christian is every day thinking about the poor people.Avoid the evil&"She"&"They".Thieves.
  17. KiKi-gov-500LADRONES-5000COMPLICES:El cristiano cada día piensa en los pobres del pueblo. Evita al Mal y a“Ella”y ellos,ladrones.
  18. KiKi-gov-500LADRONES-5000COMPLICES: El buen cristiano no permite el robo al pueblo: Carcel para “Ella”y ellos. Aléjate del Mal
  19. KiKi-gov-500LADRONES-5000COMPLICES: el mayor robo:El futuro del 40%de argentinos,que viven en villas-miseria sin educacion.Carcel
  20. KiKi-gov-500LADRONES: Esta banda quebró la sociedad,con su discurso cargado de odio y simulacion solidaria izquierdista.Carcel...
  21. KiKi-gov-500LADRONES Gas,petroleo e industria ern manos de la banda,precios de robo.Carcel para ellos y ellas.
  22. Thank you for your atention and best regards from Buenos Aires, ClaudioSerraBrun
  23. and Spanish translation,for cultural purposes,and for spread your important work for the conciousness of youth in the future.
  24. Mr. Edvins Snore Congratullations for your exceptional film: TheSovietStory I ask you if you can send to me the *.pdf Script
  25. Islamist attack Day in NY. We must have awareness of ongoing struggle against evil. Don't forget...
  26. Islamist attack Day in NY. We must have awareness of ongoing struggle against evil. Don't forget...
  27. Islamist attack Day in NY. We must have awareness of ongoing struggle against evil. Don't forget...
  28. Islamist attack Day in NY. We must have awareness of ongoing struggle against evil. Don't forget...
  29. Islamist attack Day in NY. We must have awareness of ongoing struggle against evil. Don't forget...
  30. Islamist attack Day in NY. We must have awareness of ongoing struggle against evil. Don't forget...
  31. Islamist attack Day in NY. We must have awareness of ongoing struggle against evil. Don't forget...
  32. Islamist attack Day in NY. We must have awareness of ongoing struggle against evil. Don't forget...
  33. Dia del atentado islamista en NY. Conciencia de la lucha contínua contra el Mal.No olvidar.
  34. 09.09.1976 died in his bed the ferocious dictatorMaoZedong. Executor of Cultural Revolution,Communist nationalist fascism exampl
  35. 09.09.1976 died in his bed the ferociousMaoZedong. Executor of Cultural Revolution,Communist nationalist fascism example
  36. 09.09.1976 died in his bed the ferociousMao Zedong. Executor of Cultural Revolution,Communist nationalist fascism example
  37. El 9/9/1976 murió en su cama el feroz dictador Mao TseTung.Ejecutor de Revolución Cultural,ejemplo de fascismo nacionalista comunista
  38. Payasos del Museo Deuda Externa hagan el Obelisco del Gasto Pubico q nos hace fucking a los Argentos hace +1/2 siglo
  39. Construcciones? ObraPublica? Derechos de emision de TV? Logistica? Hosteleria? Transportes? Merchandising? Ah,el deporte.
  40. KiKi-500-Thieves-gov:400 personalities inBuenos AiresOlympicCommittee,and press almost mute.KiKi Prejudice?Uncouths
  41. KiKi-500-Thieves-gov:400 personalities in Buenos AiresOlympicCommittee,and press almost mute.KiKi Prejudice?Uncouths
  42. KiKi-500-Thieves-gov: 400 personalities in Buenos AiresOlympicCommittee,and press almost mute.KiKi Prejudice?Uncouths
  43. KiKi-500 Thieves-gov: 400 personalities in Buenos Aires Olympic Committee, and the press almost mute. KiKi Prejudice? Uncouths.
  44. KiKi-500Ladrones: 500personalidades en BuenosAires-ComiteOlimpico, y la prensa casi muda.Prejuicio KiKi?Guarangos.
  45. KiKi-500Ladrones-5000Complices: Con juecescorruptos,el pacto de impunidad está servido en bandeja.Carcel a KiKis
  46. : Conflicto entre un dictador y facciones opuestas.USA y Rusia son catalizadores.Justicia y paz pronto
  47. KiKi-500THIEVES-5000ACCOMPLICES:30%increase in food prices?No problem:20%salary increase.Total:10%toGov.andscampeople
  48. KiKi-500THIEVES-5000ACCOMPLICES:30% increase in food prices?No problem:20% salary increase.Total:10%toGov.and scam people
  49. KiKi-500THIEVES-5000ACCOMPLICES:30% increase in food prices? No problem!: 20% salary increase.Total:10% to Gov.and scam people
  50. KiKi-500LADRONES-5000COMPLICES:Aumento precios comida 30%?No problem:Aumento salarios 20%.Total:10% para Gov. y estafa al pueblo
  51. KiKi-500LADRONES-5000COMPLICES: La inflacion real es 100% anual.el negocio KiKi es no reconocerlo.Justicia a KiKis y complices
  52. KiKi-500LADRONES-5000COMPLICES: 40%de poblacion en precario. El silencio es condena de todos. Carcel a KiKis.
  53. El mundo arabe esta dominado por las sectas islamicas y los reinos sangrientos. Primavera democratica ahora.Carcel a genocidas.
  54. KiKi-500LADRONES-5000COMPLICES: Jorge Lanata en TV canal13, ahora:"Hambre de agua"40%de Argentina en la pobreza.KiKis a la cárcel
  55. KiKi-500LADRONES: Jorge Lanata muestra lo que los KiKi esconden: Hambre de Agua. Carcel para los 500, y los 5000 Complices.
  56. KiKi-500LADRONES: Las villas son la muestra del desprecio KiKi al pueblo. Carcel para todos,los 500 y los 5000-Complices
  57. KiKi-500LADRONES:Ridícula extorsión a LAN:Le dejan operar en Aeroparque a cambio de Aerolineas en Chile.Cárcel para todos y todas
  58. KiKi-gov-500THIEVES:Lanata journalist unmasks KiKiactivists mafias,fascist brownshirts,payed with State's $.Jail4th
  59. KiKi-gov-500THIEVES:Lanata journalist unmasks KiKiactivists mafias,fascist brownshirts,payed with State's $.Jail4them
  60. KiKi-gov-500THIEVES: Lanata journalist unmasks KiKi activists mafias,fascist brownshirts, payed with State's $. Jail 4all of them
  61. KiKi500LADRONES: Lanata desenmascara las mafias activistas KiKi,camisas pardas fascistas,pagas con Estado.Carcel para todos.
  62. KiKi-gov-500ROBBERS:Lesson of journalism and courage by Jorge Lanata to demonstrate corruption of regime.Jail4all
  63. KiKi-gov-500ROBBERS:Lesson of journalism and courage by Jorge Lanata to demonstrate corruption of regime.Jail4all
  64. KiKi-gov-500ROBBERS:Lesson of journalism and courage by Jorge Lanata to demonstrate the corruption of regime.Jail4al
  65. KiKi-gov-500ROBBERS:Lesson of journalism and courage by Jorge Lanata to demonstrate the corruption of regime.Jail4all
  66. KiKi-500 ROBBERS: Lesson of journalism and courage by Jorge Lanata to demonstrate the corruption of regime. Jail for all of them.
  67. KiKi-500LADRONES:Lección de periodismo y coraje de JorgeLanata al demostrar la inmensa corrupción del régimen.Cárcel para todos.
  68. Linked:Argentina-KiKi-gov500ROBBERS,North open border,cocaine,FARC,Bolivia radioTaliban inSpanish.Jail4all of them
  69. Linked:Argentina-KiKi-gov500ROBBERS,North open borders,cocaine,FARC,Bolivia radioTaliban inSpanish.Jail4all of them
  70. Linked:Argentina-KiKi-gov500ROBBERS,North open borders,cocaine,FARC,Bolivia radioTaliban in Spanish.Jail 4all of them.
  71. Linked:Argentina-KiKi-gov500ROBBERS,North open borders,cocaine,FARC,Bolivia radioTaliban inSpanish.Jail4all of them
  72. Linked:Argentina-KiKi-gov500ROBBERS,North open borders,cocaine,FARC,Bolivia radioTaliban in Spanish.Jail4allthem
  73. Linked:Argentina-KiKi-gov500ROBBERS,North open borders,cocaine,FARC,Bolivia radioTaliban in Spanish.Jail for all of them.
  74. Linked:Argentina-KiKi-gov500ROBBERS,North open borders,cocaine,FARC,Bolivia radioTaliban in Spanish.Jail 4allthem
  75. Linked:Argentina-KiKi-gov500ROBBERS,North open borders,cocaine,FARC,Bolivia radioTaliban in Spanish. Jail 4 all.
  76. Linked:Argentina-KiKi-gov500ROBBERS,North open borders,cocaine,FARC,Bolivia radioTaliban in Spanish.Jail 4all.
  77. Linked:Argentina-KiKi-gov500ROBBERS,North open borders,cocaine,FARC,radioTaliban in Spanish from Bolivia.Jail 4all
  78. Linked:Argentina-KiKi-500 ROBBERS,open borders north,cocaine,FARC, radio Taliban in Spanish from Bolivia.Jail for all of them.
  79. Hay conexión: Argentina-KiKi-500LADRONES, fronteras abiertas, cocaina,Farc,radio taliban en español desde Bolivia. A la Carcel
  80. The left despises Democracy.Has always had emperors,in power by lifetime: Stalin,Mao,Castro.Don't like free thinking
  81. The left despises Democracy.Has always had emperors,in power by lifetime: Stalin,Mao,Castro.Don't like free thinking
  82. The left despisesDemocracy.Has always had emperors,in power by lifetime:Stalin,Mao,PolPot.Don't like free thinking
  83. The leftists hate Euro-AmericanDemocracy.This produces complicity&silent face of the advancing of ImperialChina.Fail
  84. The leftists hate Euro-American Democracy.This produces complicity&silent face of the advancing of Imperial China.Fail
  85. The leftists hate Euro-American Democracy.This produces complicity&silent face of the advancing of Imperial China.Fail
  86. The leftists hate Euro-American Democracy.This produces complicity&silent face of the advancing Imperia China.Fail
  87. The leftists hate European and American Democracy, and this produces complicity and silent face of the advancing Imperial China.Fail
  88. The left despises Democracy.Has always had demigods,emperors,in power by lifetime: Stalin,Mao,PolPot,Castro.Don't like free thinking
  89. cause thousands of SMEs closures in the West by day, and in turn buys thousands of Western companies: They want a New World Empire
  90. parasitizes West:Buy U$Dand companies with their dumped products and slave labor,outside legal normsThey dont know or want Democracy.
  91. El odio de la izquierda a la Democracia Americana y Europea produce complicidad y silencio frente al avance de China Imperial.Error
  92. La izquierda desprecia la Democracia.Siempre tuvo semidioses emperadores, en el poder toda la vida, como Stalin, Mao,Pol Poth, Castro
  93. causa miles de cierres de Pymes en Occidente por día, y a su vez compra miles de empresas occidentales: Busca Nuevo Imperio Mundial
  94. parasita Occidente: Compra U$D y empresas con sus productos de dumping y trabajo esclavo. No sabe ni quiere Democracia.
  95. KiKi500LADRONES:Más obras públicas a 500LADRi-Amigos:2 Represas.Mientras extorsion a LAN Chile Carcel para todos
  96. KiKi500LADRONES:Más obras públicas a los 500LADRi-Amigos:2 Represas.Mientras extorsion a LAN Chile Carcel para todos.
  97. KiKi-500THIEVES:More civil engineering to the500-Robbers-Friends:Two dams,and extortion toChileAirways.Jail forallthem
  98. KiKi-500THIEVES:More civil engineering to the500-Robbers-Friends:Two dams,and extortion toChileAirways.Jail allofthem
  99. KiKi-500THIEVES:More civil engineering to the500-Robbers-Friends:Two dams,and extortion toChileAirways.Jail for allofthem
  100. KiKi-500THIEVES:More civil engineering to the500-Robbers-Friends:Two dams,and extortion to LANChileAirways.Jail for allofthem
  101. KiKi-500THIEVES:More civil engineering to the500-Robbers-Friends:Two dams,and extortion toChileAirways.Jail for them
  102. KiKi-500THIEVES:More civil engineering to the500-Robbers-Friends:Two dams,and extortion toChileAirways.Jail for them
  103. KiKi-500THIEVES:More civil engineering tothe500-Robbers-Friends:Two dams,and extortion toChileAirways.Jail for them
  104. KiKi-500THIEVES:More civil engineering tothe500-Robbers-Friends:Two dams,and extortion toChileAirways.Jailforthem
  105. KiKi-500THIEVES:More civil engineering to the500-Robbers-Friends:Two dams,and extortion toChileAirways.Jail for them
  106. KiKi-500THIEVES:More civil engineering to the 500-Robbers-Friends: Two dams,and extortion toChileAirways.Jail ofthem.
  107. KiKi-500THIEVES:More civil engineering to the 500-Robbers-Friends: Two dams,and extortion toLANChileAirways.Jail for all of them.
  108. KiKi500LADRONES: Más obras públicas a los 500LADRiAmigos:2 Represas, y extorsion a LAN Chile.Carcel para todos.
  109. KiKi-500THIEVES:163 years ago died in exile our Liberator San Martin. Even today Argentina is dominated by corruption and hatred.
  110. KiKi-500ROBBERS:San Martin's day,a note from 2005:The KiKi-gov has always been a tragedy for the country.
  111. KiKi-500LADRONES:en día de San Martín, una nota de 2005: El KiKismo siempre fue un drama para el país.
  112. KiKi-500THIEVES: At163 years of dead in exile our Liberator San Martin,Argentina is dominated by corruption and hate
  113. KiKi-500THIEVES:163 years of dead in exile our Liberator San Martin,Argentina is dominated by corruption and hate
  114. KiKi-500THIEVES: At163 years of dead in exile our Liberator San Martin,Argentina is dominated by corruption and hate
  115. KiKi-500THIEVES: At163 years of dead in exile our Liberator San Martin,Argentina is dominated by corruption and hate.
  116. KiKi-500THIEVES: At 163 years of the end in exile of our Liberator San Martin,Argentina is dominated by corruption and hate. Jail
  117. KiKi-500LADRONES:A 163años del fin en el exilio de nuestro Libertador San Martín,Argentina sigue dominada por corrupción y odio.
  118. KiKi-500LADRONES: La Hhidra social Argentina es el peronismo.Cambiar el paradigma de pais.Por Libertad.No CorrupcionPeronista.
  119. KiKi-500LADRONES: No se engañe el votante: Los nuevos peronistas son otra cabeza de Hidra.Cambiar paradigma o seguir asi.
  120. The Chinese parasitic phenomenon is causing the crisis in Europe and the West. Ends millions of stores by Chinese merchandise
  121. El fenomeno parasitario chino es el causante de la crisis en Europa y Occidente. Cierran millones de comercios por mercaderia china
  122. KiKi-gov-500LADRONES: Luego de despreciarlos mil veces,dice que ganó en la reserva Qom. KiKi,enemiga del pueblo indígena.Cárcel.
  123. KiKi-gov=500LADRONES:La esperanza de renovación ética es la diputada Elisa Carrió:Hizo de20 denunciasal gov porcorrupt
  124. KiKi-gov=500THIEVES:The great hope of ethical renewal is DeputyElisaCarrio:She made 20complaints tothe gov for corrup
  125. KiKi-gov=500THIEVES:The great hope of ethical renewal is Deputy Elisa Carrio:She made 20complaints tothe gov forcorrup
  126. KiKi-gov=500THIEVES:The great hope of ethical renewal is Deputy Elisa Carrio:She made 20complaints to the gov for corrupt
  127. KiKi-gov=500THIEVES:The great hope of ethical renewal is Deputy Elisa Carrio:She made 20complaints to the gov for corruption
  128. KiKi-gov=500THIEVES:The great hope of ethical renewal is Deputy Elisa Carrio:She made 20complaints to the government
  129. KiKi-gov=500THIEVES:The great hope of ethical renewal is Deputy Elisa Carrio:She made 20complaints to thegovernment
  130. KiKi-gov=500THIEVES:The great hope of ethical renewal is Deputy Elisa Carrio:She made 20complaints to the government
  131. KiKi-gov=500THIEVES:The great hope of ethical renewal is Deputy Elisa Carrio:She made 20complaints to the governm
  132. KiKi-gov=500THIEVES:The great hope of ethical renewal is Deputy Elisa Carrio:She made 20complaints to the govern
  133. KiKi-gov=500THIEVES:The great hope of ethical renewal is Deputy Elisa Carrio:She made 20complaints to the government
  134. KiKi-gov=500 THIEVES:The great hope of ethical renewal is Deputy Elisa Carrio:She made 20complaints to the governmen
  135. # Argentina KiKi-gov=500 THIEVES:The great hope of ethical renewal of the country is Deputy Elisa Carrio: She made 20 complaints to the gov
  136. KiKi-gov=500LADRONES:La esperanza de renovación ética del pais es la diputada Elisa Carrió: Hizo más de 20 denuncias al gobierno.
  137. KiKi-500LADRONES: Derrota en todo el pais de la dictadura KiKi,a pesar de la propaganda con dinero del Estado. Carcel
  138. KiKi-500ROBBERS:Defeats in allthe country of dictatorship KiKi-gov,despite ofpropaganda withstate money"Jail for them"
  139. KiKi-500ROBBERS:Defeats in all the country of dictatorship KiKi-gov,despite of propaganda with state money. Jail.
  140. KiKi-500ROBBERS:Defeats in all the country of dictatorship KiKi-gov,despite of propaganda with state money"Jail for them"
  141. KiKi-500LADRONES:Derrota en todo el pais de la dictadura KiKi,a pesar de la propaganda con dinero del Estado.Carcel
  142. KiKi-gov-500ROBBERS:Elections:Defeats in all the country,despite of propaganda with statemoney."Jail for all of them"
  143. KiKi-gov-500ROBBERS:Elections:Defeats in all the country,despite of propaganda with statemoney"Jail for all of them"
  144. KiKi-gov-500ROBBERS:Elections:Defeats in all the country,despite ofpropaganda with statemoney"Jail for all of them"
  145. KiKi-gov-500ROBBERS:Elections:Defeats in all the country,despite of propaganda with statemoney."Jail for all of them"
  146. KiKi-gov-500ROBBERS:Elections:Defeats in all the country,despite of propaganda with statemoney."Jail for all"
  147. KiKi-gov-500ROBBERS:Elections:Defeats in all the country,despite of propaganda with statemoney"Jail for all of them"
  148. KiKi-gov-500ROBBERS:Elections:Defeats in all the country,despite of propaganda with statemoney."Jail for all of them"
  149. KiKi-gov-500ROBBERS:Elections:Defeats in all the country,despite of propaganda with statemoney"Jail for allthem"
  150. KiKi-gov-500ROBBERS:Elections:Defeats in all the country,despite of propaganda with statemoney"Jail for all of them"
  151. KiKi-500ROBBERS:Defeats in all the country of dictatorship KiKi-gov, despite of propaganda with state money"Jail for all of them"
  152. KiKi-500LADRONES: Derrota en todo el pais de la dictadura KiKi,a pesar de la propaganda con dinero del Estado."Carcel para todos"
  153. Chinese parasitic model is dragging down the economies ofWest:They sell chineseproducts,next purchase currencies and leading to China
  154. El modelo parasitario chino está hundiendo a las economías de Occidente:Vende producto chino y compra divisas que lleva a China...
  155. KiKi-500 THIEVES:Commerce Secretary"WillieBrown"orders bans trade,with bribes and threats from his fascist brownshirt
  156. KiKi-500 THIEVES:Commerce Secretary"WillieBrown"orders bans trade,with bribes and threats from his fascist brownshirts:Jail
  157. KiKi-500 THIEVES:Commerce Secretary"WillieBrown"orders bans trade,with bribes and threats from his fascist brownshirts:Jail
  158. KiKi-500 THIEVES:Commerce Secretary"WillieBrown"orders bans trade,with bribes and threats from his fascist brownshirts:Jail
  159. KiKi-500THIEVES:Commerce Secretary Willie Brown orders bans trade,with bribes and threats from his fascists:Jail
  160. KiKi-500THIEVES:Commerce Secretary Willie Brown orders bans trade,with bribes and threats from his fascists:Jail
  161. KiKi-500THIEVES:Commerce Secretary Willie Brown orders bans trade,with bribes and threats from his fascists:Jail
  162. KiKi-500THIEVES:Commerce Secretary Willie Brown orders bans trade,with bribes and threats from his fascists:Jail
  163. KiKi-500THIEVES:Commerce Secretary Willie Brown orders bans trade,with bribes and threats from his fascists:Jail
  164. KiKi-500THIEVES:Commerce Secretary Willie Brown orders bans trade,with bribes and threats from his brownshirts:Jail
  165. KiKi-500 THIEVES: Commerce Secretary Willie Brown orders bans trade, with bribes and threats from his brownshirts: Jail for all
  166. KiKi-500LADRONES: El lebrel Willie Marron ordena el comercio con prohibiciones, sobornos y amenazas de sus camisas pardas: Carcel
  167. KiKi-500LADRONES: el mangante Turbio esta mudo.. Pero los containers en el puerto se abren previo pago de sobornos. Carcel
  168. KiKi-500LADRONES:Están en todos lados:Para muestra de lo que corrompen a la educación pública:
  169. KiKi-gov-500THIEVES: Now they exhibit 10seconds photo with Pope Francisco as a friend of his party in elections.Criminals.
  170. KiKi-500LADRONES:La estupida politica izquierdista:Sonrisas a Iran,Venez,Cuba,y odio a EEUU,Europa.Idiotas muy utiles
  171. KiKi-500THIEVES:The stupid force in politics:Smiles to Iran,Venezuela,Cuba,and hates US, Europe.A very usable idiots.
  172. KiKi-500THIEVES: The stupid leftist politics: Smiles to Iran, Venezuela, Cuba, and hates US, Europe. A very usable idiots.
  173. KiKi-500LADRONES:La estupida politica izquierdista:Sonrisas a Iran, Venezuela,Cuba,y odio a EEUU,Europa.Unos idiotas muy utiles.
  174. # Argentina KiKi-500THIEVES: Congresswoman Elisa Carrio is the main opposition figure to demagogic and corrupt regime. I vote for her
  175. KiKi-500LADRONES: La diputada Elisa Carrió es la principal figura de la oposición al régimen demagógico y corrupto. Voto por ella
  176. ": La Salada es la maqueta q los K sueñan para Argentina" jaJa!! El sueño de KiKi-500LADRONES da risa pero es un horror REAL.VotaNO
  182. KiKi-500 THIEVES: Spy criminal Army chief: He will make the Army as only knows: Repressive agency of domestic affairs.
  183. KiKi-500 THIEVES: Spy criminal Army chief:He will make the Army as only knows:Repressive agency of domestic affairs.
  184. KiKi-500 THIEVES: Spy criminal Army chief: He will make the Army as only knows: Repressive agency of domestic affairs.
  185. KiKi-500LADRONES: Espía criminal jefe Army,hará del ejército lo que sabe:Agencia de Represión interior.

  186. KiKi-gov-500THIEVES:DomesticFrontKiKi:Criminal Spy,now chief of Army.ExternalFrontKiKi:Pact with Taliban for bases.
  187. KiKi-gov-500THIEVES:DomesticFrontKiKi:Criminal Spy,now chief of Army.ExternalFrontKiKi:Pact with Taliban for bases.
  188. KiKi-gov-500THIEVES: Domestic Front KiKi: Old criminal Spy,now chief of Army.External Front KiKi:Pact with the Taliban for bases.
  189. 500LADRONES:Frente interno KiKi:Espía criminal jefe Arma.Frente Externo KiKi:Pacto con talibanes Irán para bases en Sudamérica.
  190. 500LADRONES: El espía corrupto KiKi sigue siendo jefe del Arma: Un criminal de la represión del '76.Debe estar en prisión.
  191. "I do not bring gold or silver,but the most valuable:Christ"Bring the blessing to the dear Latinoamerica
  192. "I do not bring gold or silver,but the most valuable:Christ"Bring the blessing tothedearLatinoamerica
  193. "I do not bring gold or silver,but the most valuable: Christ"Bring the blessing to the dearLatinoamerica
  194. "I do not bring gold or silver, but the most valuable: Christ" Bring the blessing to the suffering Latinoamerica...
  195. "No traigo oro ni plata, pero sí lo más valioso: Cristo" Trae la bendición y la libertad a la sufrida Latinoamerica
  196. KiKi-500 THIEVES: An ancient repressor spy,now Army chief: To suppress the people.And suppress opponents of KiKi gov.
  197. KiKi-500 THIEVES: An ancient repressor spy,now Army chief: To suppress the people.And suppress opponents of KiKi gov.
  198. KiKi-500 THIEVES: An ancient repressor spy,now Army chief: To suppress the people.And suppress opponents of KiKi gov
  199. KiKi-500 THIEVES: An ancient repressor spy,now Army chief: To suppress the people.And suppress opponents of KiKi gov.
  200. KiKi-500 THIEVES: An ancient repressor spy,now Army chief: To suppress the people.And suppress opponents of KiKi gov.
  201. KiKi-500 THIEVES: An ancient repressor spy,now Army chief:To suppress the people. And suppress the opponents
  202. KiKi-500 THIEVES: An ancient repressor spy,now Army chief:To suppress the people. And suppress the opponents
  203. KiKi-500 THIEVES: An ancient repressor spy,now Army chief:To suppress the people. And suppress the opponents of the KiKi regime
  204. KiKi-500LADRONES: El antiguo subteniente represor,asesino de soldados,ahora se prepara a "controlar" al pueblo.Y a los oponentes
  205. # Argentina KiKi-500 THIEVES: An ancient repressor spy,now Army chief:To suppress the people. And suppress the opponents of the KiKi regime

  206. KiKi-500LADRONES:El espía de Jefe-FFAA,un represor aliado con los KiKis:¿Hay algún plan de autogolpe cuando se derrumben?

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Estimado Lector: Gracias de antemano por tus comentarios. Sólo publicaremos colaboraciones y críticas constructivas,que estén de acuerdo en nuestra posición básica: KiKi-500LADRONES es lo más negativo que ha pasado en Argentina en los últimos 20años... Gracias.
